Don't forget to read & complete the Sound & Sense questions. They're important to do so you'll get a grip on John Donne's "Valediction forbidding mourning." We'll discuss the poem and the questions in class Tuesday. I hate to be a pest, but I'll be checking to see that you did your work. Then, depending on the course the discussion takes, you can keep your responses to emend, then turn in a final copy on Thursday.
At this point, anything we've studied so far is worth looking at: diction (including connotation & multiple denotations), imagery, figures of speech…plus anything else you think deserves notice.
Poems coming up: Tennyson's "Ulysses," Auden's "The Unknown Citizen," and others I'll list later, when I have my plans in front of me.
Blessings of the Muse Erato* upon you,
*You can see her near center in Mantegna's "Parnassus" above, dancing with her eight sisters.
OH MY GOD NUDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AVERT THINE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avert? Ha!
More like stare, stare, stare intently ;)
I'm kidding! Kidding :)
That reminds me of my 5th birthday back in Mexico
People have birthdays in mexico?
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